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Upload Historic logs

With historic log analysis, you manually upload log files generated by various services or applications into Wowizer TPM. These log files can be from historical records, specific incidents, or sources that aren’t available in real-time.
Wowizer creates a centralized log repository, allowing you to analyze, search, and gain insights from these logs. It’s particularly useful for root cause analysis, historical reporting, and comprehensive monitoring. 

The preferred common way to collect these logs is by utilizing the Qlik Sense Log Collector, a tool that comes bundled with most current versions of Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows. Here are the steps to use this tool:

Steps for extracting historic logs

  1. Log in to the Windows Server on the Qlik Sense node.
  2. Open Windows File Explorer.
  3. Navigate to the Log Collector folder located at: C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\Tools\QlikSenseLogCollector.
  4. Press and hold the Shift key and right-click on QlikSenseLogCollector.exe.
  5. Choose “Run as different user.”
  6. Enter the credentials for the Qlik Sense service account.
  7. Configure log collection settings, including:
    • Specify the date range for collecting logs (ideally a minimum of 5 days).
    • Enter an issue name to include in the ZIP file name.
    • Select desired options.
    • Choose whether to include archive logs.
  8. Click “Collect.”
  9. If Qlik Sense is not automatically accessible on the node, additional options will be presented:
    • If Qlik Sense is running and accessible on this host, you’ll get further options for automatic log collection.
    • If Qlik Sense is not running or accessible, you can define the path to the local Qlik Sense log folder.
    • If Qlik Sense is located elsewhere, you can enter the FQDN of the remote Qlik Sense server.
  10. Wait until the collection process is finished.
  11. Click “Close.”

Please note that this method is applicable only to Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows.

Validate generated logs: #

 To verify the integrity of the generated logs, follow these steps:

  1. Open the ZIP file that was generated. You can find it in the directory: C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\Tools\QlikSenseLogCollector.
  2. There’s no need to extract the contents; simply double-click the ZIP file to access its contents.
  3. Check for the presence of JSON and TXT files, especially if you had enabled system info options during Step 7.
  4. Ensure that there is a distinct folder for each node in your deployment, with each folder named identically to the corresponding node.
  5. Confirm the existence of a “Log” folder within the ZIP archive, which contains archived logs from persistent storage.
  6. Finally, upload the ZIP file to our portal for comprehensive analysis.

Following these steps guarantees that you possess the necessary log data for further examination and troubleshooting of your Qlik Sense environment.

After generating Qlik Sense logs archive using the Qlik Sense log collector, log in to Wowizer TPM and upload logs. 

Once you have browsed your Log collector archive, you will be asked about upload-tag. 

This is a unique name you want to mention to identify your upload. Typically, when you upload multiple archives say for issue-1, issue-2 and so on, you can have appropriate upload-tag mentioned to isolate and analyze your uploaded archive and/or problem case. 

Analyze uploaded logs data  #

Once you have uploaded your Qliksense static logs, it will typically take upto 5-60 mins to process your logs and prepare analysis which depends on your data size. 
You can go to Analyze tab where you will be able to check all your past uploads.  
Each upload will have a unique ‘Upload-tag’ which you have given during logs upload. You can identify the upload you want to Analyze and check insights accordingly. 

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