PostgreSQL Installation Steps #
NOTE: If Data Access Auditor is being installed on same server, then no need to follow below steps.
After downloading the installer double click on it and follow the below steps:
Step 1: Click the Next button.

Step 2: Choose the installation folder, where you want PostgreSQL to be installed, and click on Next.

Step 3: Select the components as per your requirement to install and click the Next button.

Step 4: Select the database directory where you want to store the data and click on Next.

Step 5: Set the password for the database superuser (Postgres)

Step 6: Set the port for PostgreSQL. Make sure that no other applications are using this port.
If unsure leave it to its default (5432) and click on Next.

Step 7: Choose the default locale used by the database and click the Next button.

Step 8: Click the Next button to start the installation.

Wait for the installation to complete, it might take a few minutes.

Step 9: Click the Finish button to complete the PostgreSQL installation.

Verifying the Installation of PostgreSQL
There are couple of ways to verify the installation of PostgreSQL like connecting to the database server using some client applications like pgAdmin or psql.
The quickest way though is to use the psql shell. For that follow the below steps:
• Step 1: Search for the psql shell in the windows search bar and open it.
• Step 2: Enter all the necessary information like the server, database, port, username, and
password and press Enter.
• Step 3: Use the command SELECT version(); you will see the following result:

NodeJS Installation Steps #
Step 1: Downloading the Node.js ‘.msi’ installer.
The first step to install Node.js on windows is to download the installer. Visit the official Node.js website i.e) and download the .msi file according to your system environment (32-bit & 64-bit). An MSI installer will be downloaded on your system.

Step 2: Running the Node.js installer.
Now you need to install the node.js installer on your PC. You need to follow the following steps for the Node.js to be installed: –
Open Installer

After clicking “Next”, End-User License Agreement (EULA) will open.
Check “I accept the terms in the License Agreement”.
Select “Next”

Set the Destination Folder where you want to install Node.js & Select “Next”

The installer may prompt you to “install tools for native modules”.
For more information on whether you need this, see here.
Select “Install”

Do not close or cancel the installer until the install is complete
• Complete the Node.js Setup Wizard. Click “Finish”

Step 3: Verify that Node.js was properly installed or not.
To check that node.js was completely installed on your system or not, you can run the following command in your command prompt or Windows PowerShell and test it:-
C:\Users\Admin> node -v

WoWizer Data Access Auditor Installation #
Step 1: Run as Admin.

Step 2: Accept License Term and Conditions.

Step 3: Make sure prerequisite checklist is completed.

Step 4: Path where DAA is to be installed.

Step 5: Password of Postgres user which is configured.
If this product is to be installed in same machine as Qlik Sense Enterprise, then use Password for Qlik Sense Repository Password.

Step 6: Port where Postgres is configured.

Step 7: Confirm or change the folder for postgres installation.

Step 8: Create startup menu folder.

Step 9: Confirm the location where DAA is to be installed.

Step 10: Check Run as Service is not checked.